21 Things I Love About My Sisters


Growing up with sisters who have Down syndrome has played a huge part in who I have become today. I always celebrate them, but this month is cause for a little extra. It is time for my annual 21 Things I love about my sisters' blog post.

1.       The way their eyes turn into little moon shapes when they smile really big. Those smiles fill my soul.

2.       The way Sammy never breaks a hug. She will hold on to you for dear life until we decide it’s time for one giant squeeze before we let go of each other.

3.       The way Jayne teases. She is infamous for sneaking my dad’s things and, rather poorly, hiding them. She definitely gets that from him. They’re both pranksters.

4.       The way Agnes dances. Agnes learned an Irish Stepping dance a few years ago, so when she busts out those moves, you can’t help but cheer her on.

5.       Rosie’s tenacious spirit. Nothing and no one will come in between Rosie and something she wants to accomplish.

6.       Sammy’s calmness. You will never hear her raise her voice or make a big fuss about anything. She’s usually up for almost anything if she can keep her schedule. You will continuously be reminded that she has a busy day the next day though, so she needs to be home in plenty of time for her to get ready for bed.

7.       Jayne’s ability to get anyone to do anything for her. It’s quite impressive. She just looks at you and looks at the item she wants, and you are compelled to get it for her.

8.       Agnes’ style. She’s my fashionista sister. Always wearing some shade of purple, with her hair styled, and her sparkle purse stocked with gum. Honestly, this girl could put on a paper bag and look like a model.

9.       Rosie’s spunk. She has zero fear and if she decides that it’s a good time to sneak off to the park, she’ll do it. She’s the reason my parents have alarms attached to all of their doors so they know when it’s time to chase Rosie down the road to get her back home.

10.   The way that when I get out of my car at their house, all four of them come running at me and practically topple me over with their hugs.

11.   Sammy’s commitment. If she is given a task, she will not stop until it is done. Whether it’s a job at the farm, a game at the Special Olympics, or a word search – she will complete it.

12.   Jayne’s celebration moves. It’s hard to explain, but when Jayne feels good about something she just did, she will do a spin move finishing in a karate stance that gets me every time.

13.   The way that Agnes will protect the one she’s with. She’s concerned with the feelings of the people around her, but if you push one person too far, Agnes will come in to guard them. Maybe knock you down a peg or two if so deserved.

14.   Rosie’s brain. Man is that girl smart. She reads, she writes, she knows sign language, she can pick any lock… I won’t be surprised if someday she learns how to hack into people’s phones so she can watch YouTube whenever she feels like it.

15.   The way they handle change. In February 2022, their house burnt to the ground and they relatively easily were able to shift to living in a new home in a new neighborhood without all of their possessions. I’m in awe of how well they handled all of that.

16.   Sammy’s love of books and word searches. If there is ever any question of what she is doing, you can count on finding her reading or doing her workbooks.

17.   Jayne’s love of her babies and stuffed animals. She cares for them like they were real. Watching her care for them in the gentle way a new parent would is really a lovely thing to behold.

18.   The way Agnes cares for Jayne. They have an unbreakable bond. She may be the little sister, but she takes care of Jayne.

19.   Rosie’s friendship with her PJ Mask dolls and her little stuffed bunnies. They are always by her side. Although, she does like to say that Bunny is the cause of any bad behavior, but I think she’s just trying to shift the blame away from herself.

20.   The way they interact with my parents. Not many 60+ year olds still have children living at home that rely totally on their parents, but mine do. The way my parents interact with every one of them is really beautiful. From my dad letting Rosie cover him in painter's tape (she’s obsessed with painter's tape) to my mom getting up early so she has time to curl Agnes’ hair before school. They are spectacular with them.

21.   Their ability to bring everyone together. You may know that I come from a very large family. With or without my four sisters, I know we would all stay close, but I think that a big reason that all of us live so close to each other is because of Sammy, Jayne, Agnes, and Rosie. None of us could ever move too far away because we always want to be active parts of their lives.

Down Syndrome Awareness Month helps us to break down stereotypes, promote acceptance and inclusion, and celebrate the achievements and limitless potential of people with Down syndrome. I hope you can join me in spreading the love and making a difference to those around us.

Remember that kindness has no boundaries and that together we can create a World that appreciates everyone, regardless of our differences.

Happy Down Syndrome Awareness Month!


World Down Syndrome Day